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Aggiungi al carrellothe prodigy of the sistrum
from Ancient Pompeii
What a lot of stories and mysteries still lie buried in Pompeii at the foot of Vesuvius!
The discovery of a sistrum, the instrument sacred to the goddess Isis, brings to light the ancient secret of a young priestess who lived two thousand years ago, in a gripping tale of love and passion, purity and redemption.
As in a play of mirrors, the characters move between a world that was suffocated and a civilization that is alive and breathing. Constantly challenged by strong, conflicting sentiments, the reader is initiated into daily life in ancient Pompeii in its most intimate aspects: from material possessions to spiritual realisation, from pagan mysteries to sacred rites, from women’s make up and dress to the food you would find at a banquet…and how these are reflected in modern day Pompeii. Culminating in an extraordinary finale.
“An original narrative which weaves a substantial fable out of a mystical intuition and in which Time, mere illusion, becomes Eternity, provided with contents and colours”.
Caratteristiche del volume edizione ebook:
Pagg. 121, formato PDF.
ISBN 978-88-97595-34-2
Caratteristiche del volume edizione cartacea:
Pagg. 128, 14x21 cm, legatura in brossura.
ISBN 978-88-87365-96-2
Prezzo di copertina € 11,00